What if I need to cancel?

We suggest purchasing travel insurance. If you cancel within 48 hours and receive a full refund. If you cancel at least 90 days before the trip and receive a partial refund ($200 is not refundable). If you cancel within 90 days of the trip, you will not be eligible for a refund or credit. Your reservation is not transferable.

What if I need a refund?

We strongly suggest purchasing travel insurance. If you cancel within 48 hours and receive a full refund. If you cancel at least 90 days before the trip and receive a partial refund ($200 is not refundable). Cancel within 90 days of the trip, you will not be eligible for a refund or credit. Your reservation is not transferable.

Can I arrive a day early or stay a day late?

If you arrive a day early or stay a day late, you will need to find your own lodging for those days. You will not be able to stay at the retreat venue.

Do I need to be vaccinated to attend?

No, you do not need to be vaccinated to attend.

Is this event for women only?

Yes, this event is for women only. Men cannot attend.

Is there an age requirement for this trip?

Yes, you must be at least 21 years of age to attend.

What is the difference between the silver and gold package?

The silver package is a shared two-bedroom room with an additional guest. The gold package is a one-bedroom room with no additional guest.